Nah, as far as I'm concerned your side were objectively the villains. You, Scar, O'Pea, Surly, Slobama, ChthonicGnosis, the Pepe Party, the "Common Sense" Party, the "Libertarian" Alliance, Choose The Left, etc. That whole group who dedicated all that time to opposing me in everything I did just for the sake of it.
Even if I had ideas that you would eventually admit were good ones and enact yourselves once you were in power, like abolishing the Senate. At first you vehemently opposed it and said I was being evil and power hungry for suggesting it. Then eventually you guys abolished it lol If you weren't obsessed with me specifically, you were at the very least obsessed with the idea of stopping me and defeating me.
And why do I think you were the villains? Well let's see: Scar banned the whole Conservative Party (formerly RUP) back in Spring 2022 because he got all butthurt when he was arguing with me. Don't bother defending or denying it, even O'Pea said it was a bad idea. And the CPI were the governing party at the time too! Then for the next few months it was a literal one party state. Only one option on the ballot. Dead stream. Until the BritishMormon era. And guess what, that ended the same way - the owner gets butthurt and bans all opposition to him and the stream becomes a dead one party state.
So it really begs the question - if THAT is "victory" to you guys, then what was the point of "winning" in the first place? And if my eras of activity and time in government were objectively the most lively and animated eras in the history of the stream, then why am I the villain? What about me as so horrible that I had to be banned?
And not just me - but my parties and all my friends and allies who got caught in the crossfire and who you guys horribly mistreated. Like Pollard. What did he ever do to you guys apart from be my friend? That's hardly heroic behaviour from the self-proclaimed enemies of the stream's enemy number #1 isn't it?