Also Aquinas: Catholicism is TRUE! Gimme a minute and I'll search for proof and present it to you whilst I ignore any evidence to the contrary.
Ol' Tommy specialized in inductive arguments, not deductive. His reasoning was based on experiences. It's not a matter of “if your premises are true and the structure is valid, then the conclusion is true”. Quite the opposite because in this case he and his apologist non-thinkers are making an inductive inference that can't be justified, meaning they go beyond the scope of the experience they claim. The inference to the best explanation, a god/gods, isn't reasonable.
Complexity isn't indicative of design. Simplicity is. Intelligent designers do things the easiest way possible, not the most complicated. They certainly wouldn't have flaws where doing things like breathing and eating are so interconnected you can die from it. Many other animals don't, but we can.
The other terms- listen to a physicist discuss the boiling brew that's the vacuum of space. Nothing about that sounds orderly or regular. Quasars and black hole collisions don't sound purposeful do they, as in someone guided them together? Designed for life? The matter that makes life, baryonic matter makes up less than 5% of all there is, and most of that is stellar clouds of materials. What's left is stars, and way way down the line is the leftovers that allow for planets and things like organisms. A paltry, shatteringly insignificant percentage.
The teleological argument is essentially based on reverse logic. It shoots an arrow and draws circles around it, then claims “I have hit the bullseye.”
Teleological argument relies on the weak probabilities of life emerging (honestly we DON'T the number) and concludes “if it is too low, then it must have been tuned by someone.”
The problem here is, as I stated before, reverse logic. Past determines the present, the present does not determine the past but the teleological argument determines the past from present. It looks at present, analyses the past judging from present and concludes the past occurred so that the present may take place in this way whereas the present emerged because of past occurring in that way. It analyses backwards. Just apply it to throwing an arrow, drawing circles around where it hit(Point A) and claiming you hit the bullseye. If you analyze it backwards, the chances of the arrow hitting Point A will be so weak that it must have been finely tuned so that it can hit the Point A.