What a glorious day!
And think about it; that's not all that much more than Trump 2.0 accomplishes on an average day.
But what it also is, is probably more than Demented Joe Bribe'em could accomplish in a month, or even a year.
The libtards and the media cannot keep up with Trump 2.0! He's what now, 78 years old? He truly embodies the mental and physical energy that the lying media (e.g. in the form of POLITICO and certainly others) lied to us about and said Biden had. Oh yeah, he knew all the facts of every situation... his staff can't match his energy, etc.
Sadly for the country, Bribe'em's brain turned to warm oatmeal many years ago. Thanks Dr. Jill, Hunter, and the entire Bribe'em crime family for working that old horse right into the ground. And they're not done yet. Bribe'em signed with an agency. Gotta keep the spigot open!