- Clip: Instantly trigger the effects of actions preformed by you in the next second, good for long windup attacks (No OC)
- Loch: After 3 seconds, rewind time. All damage taken by enemies is fated to occur again (OC: time extended to 5 seconds)
- Home: Negate all negative effects within the last second (No OC)
- Anti: Delay all damage in the next 10 seconds until the effect's end. Double all damage dealt and halve all damage received (OC: Time extended to 30 seconds)
- Page: Instantly kills Host when used (OC: Like a selfdestruct button, it creates a huge burst which creates a massive damage but it still kills the Host)
- Cast: Swap between two versions of yourself from different timelines, freezing the previous timeline in the process, used for healing or dodging (No OC)
- Cell: Speed of time decreases with distance from you (Unlike Mass, it has a bigger radius but no timestop point or OC)
- Tear: Skip time for 30 seconds, during which a clone takes your place and time is slowed (OC: no time limit) (This works the same as Omit, except time is slowed and a clone takes your place (it can attack as well, although it cannot damage))
- Sand: Stop yourself in time for up to 10 seconds, charging the tempo. You can still receive damage. After releasing space, become two times faster and make enemies become two times slower for up to 10 seconds, giving you an effective 20 seconds of enemies having a quarter speed(OC: Makes the tempo be able to charge infinitely)
- Word: Automatically stop time for 0.75 seconds right before getting damaged (Cooldown of 3 seconds, No OC)
- Hint: Automatically summon any enemy or character from any stage or world with 25% health and damage as a ghost to fight for you (Example: X, Tronus, Data, etc. Same difference as Dirt; Only outlines) (OC: Spawn several more clones)
- Call: Stop time for 10 seconds during which, 4 clones appear and copies your movements, being able to cause massive damage during that time, clones disappear when timestop effect is over (OC: time extended to 30 seconds)