That's the biggest non-sequitur I've encountered in a long time.
Worship: respectful devotion—loving, honoring, and obeying someone (or something) who is deemed deserving of high regard. Maybe Lizzo DOES worship her fridge.
For some ("love" may be too strong a word here) it's their God/gods for others they honor and obey whatever the state tells them to do -- recycle and save the planet, wear a mask to stop the spread, meritocracy is racist, noticing obesity is fat shaming, men can give birth, and other such nonsense is believed, defended, promoted, taught, encouraged ... almost worshipped if we're honest. If something has to be "normalized" it isn't normal but if a government dictates that it is normal, far too many people capitulate since they deem the state in such high regard.
I don't.