D- tier. Imo mega gatling pea in PvZ2 is the lame younger brother of gatling pea in PvZ1. Gatling pea had a better almanac flavor text, a more gritty look, and it was actually balanced. Other than Pokra, MGP in PvZ2 is basically the poster child of overpowered plants. Not to mention that its sound design doesn’t feel nice to the ears, given that it firing peas is just the constant noise of a peashooter’s plant food effect.
C- tier. Electric peashooter is just kinda… meh. Ppl say that it gives you a feeling of power, but I’ve tried it before and I can’t see that honestly. Laser bean is much cooler and feels better, even though electric pea has a higher damage output. That’s all I gotta say honestly.
S tier. Snap pea looks cute asf when you can see its little face in the mouth. It also has a mechanic that’s cool af, of being able to just eat a zombie from any lane and shoot its head back. It has a unique mechanic, and it’s not overpowered as hell. I also don’t think it outclasses chomper necessarily, since chomper is more spammable with its lower sun cost and recharge time. This makes it more suitable for its niche as a fast recharging close range instant-use plant, while chomp pea is more like an attacking plant. This is even without the chomper buff. This is also more of a minor thing, but I love its sound design too.
There, I hope you’re happy now that you’ve found a plant that I genuinely like so much that I’d put it in S tier. It’s one of the few premium plants in PvZ2 that I actually like to this extent (although there are more that I like to a lesser extent, but most is just poorly designed poorly balanced garbage imo).