Funny, doge! Yes, I have seen my fair share of biased mods and know that to be true with many other conservatives who enjoy time outs & censorship for their GOOD behavior, too.
The politics stream mods still hold many of my memes for hours/days prior to posting or they REJECT them outright. And then to be told that they were rejected for transphobia & homophobia....irritating! I have never liked those terms attached to phobias as 'phobias' pertain to irrational fears. We are not 'fearful' of trans & gays so they're totally illegitimate terms.🤔
I discovered MEMES_OVERLOAD so thought I could branch out there but NO, I am politically on the right & no way would they post them (see attached meme).
So, hopefully, we can have an outlet here on political-reposts where we can get the truth out without the censorship/bias shown on other streams. You can comment here as well without fear that your comments will be censored (unless you threaten someone's life, etc.)
So, I think we can have fun now that the pressure is OFF & Trump has been reelected to right the wrongs of the corrupt Democrats & the Republican RINOs. There is light at the end of the tunnel (and not the oncoming train of the past 4 years).