Dems are more interested in what's good for them as individuals, than what's good for the country as a whole. So to put it in terms they might comprehend, aside from those fantastic security issues you mentioned in your meme, what Trump may do for me is what he did for me in his first term. I not only received my middle class tax cut but my company gave us all bonuses (not a lot, but a few hundred each) due to all the extra money they had from the tax cuts. We're not a big company by any stretch, but not small with a $2.6B market cap. We also own a small business, which received a nice tax cut.
So we can add that he'll let me keep my money by extending the tax cuts (i.e. not raising my taxes) and we'll see if my company does the same with bonuses this time around, especially if he gives them additional tax cuts.
On top of that, with energy costs coming down, the price of many items, including groceries, should come down a bit as well since transportation costs should drop. We'll see. Trump can take steps that should reduce energy costs, but he can't force price cuts, or as Harris tried to do, artificially control prices. He's not a dictator like Demented Joe Bribe-em and Harris were trying to be.