And it doesn't matter whether we use the legal or colloquial definition of "affirm". This guy clearly thinks he decides if the Constitution has been amended or not.
Talk about an ego!
Then, he had the dried up, old man raisin sack to say this:
"I consulted dozens of Constitutional scholars to make sure there was all within the power to do this, and the fact is we did."
Direct quote there... since he clearly has no clue what he's saying, why hasn't his wrinkled ass been 25A'd by now?
Oh well, we have to take him at his word. And he said dozens. As in plural. So there are at least 24, right? To which I would say... name one. Name one "Constitutional scholar" that agrees with the insanity that just flew out of your pie hole, Demented Joe.
As Trump might say, I'm not sure Joe knows what he just said.
Regardless, Dementia Joe couldn't possibly be any more clear.