Lol, great dream, it has failed over and over again. Every form of government, call it communism, democracy or assembly has an enforcement arm, call that an army or police force they all have one to protect leadership. People in power will always abuse that power, and attempt to maintain their power and grab more. America is one of the few countries where you can both resist that power and fight back against it without massive amounts of bloodshed, most of the time.
I will break down what you suggested and then I have to get to work but will check back for a response later.
Local assemblies not government, would fail when funding is needed for areas far away.
Participation association not taxes. No people will ever volunteer to raise enough taxes to fund everything any form of government wants. Taxation is really a theft by the powerful to fund their agendas.
Mutual aid not police. Powerful people always have some force that protects the powerful and maintains order. The more oppressive a government is the more street level crimes are allowed so citizens demand additional security from those in power. They also outlaw self-defense to keep the street level violence higher.