Everyone, no matter how rich or poor, has someone step in for him to do any job. To make a simple wool sweater the tailor has to have a shepherd raise the sheep. The shepherd then needs shears so he has a blacksmith make them. The blacksmith needs iron which requires a miner to dog the ore out of the earth, a charcoal burner to smelt it properly, a wood-cutter to bring wood to make the charcoal, etc. the. A carpenter is then needed to make a spinner to spin the wool into yarn, then a weaver’s loom — all of which are more efficiently operated by having someone else do part of the work. Every consumer requires it to some extent. I don’t think your father is capable of fixing every problem in the house — like of it needs a new roof, and new foundation, so he would hire a company to do that. Those who come to do it are basically “servants” to your family.