1-They maybe Practiced this D.E.W. technology in lesser populated areas during the Plandemic in 2020 on U.S. Nat'l Forest land ahead of Strong Winds for the Perfect firestorm. It even burnt Wet, Green, Old Growth trees to ashes that had survived 500 years of Natural Forest Fires
2-Then, sued Pacific Corp to try and bankrupt a Public Utility that keeps electrical prices low, so the Public Company that originated in the 1930's to keep FDR at bay, and sell Washington state hydropower to the California Urban-idiot market. This blaming of Pacific Corp. is maybe so it can allegedly end up in Private Hands Bailout and firesale priced stocks; and these private companies are the likes of Enron investors. Some day soon, maybe... wouldn't be a surprise to meld Private/Public holdings.
3-Tech demonstrated it works, let's try Beachie Creek Fire on high priced real estate in Maui, then Malibu, one can allegedly imagine as this meme of yours astutely conjectures with a free imagination.
It is either their narrative, or this meme of yours, or something else like it... or ALL of The Above one might guess.
At worst, it could make a great fictional narrative movie