If communism is such a superior system, why isn't everyone doing it?
Communism is nothing but extreme, centralized capitalism where the worker is required to provide his or her life in exchange for room and board - so long as he or she is able to work.
You don't produce, you have no need, and are of no use to society.
Personally, I require no oversight.
I am able to self govern.
Few possess this ability, so they exchange their freedom for someone telling them what to do and when to do it.
They are too meek to defend themselves, so they exchange their liberty for being able to call upon the government to come to their aid.
I never understood having to call the police to run down, and beat in the head of the man that robbed me on the street, when I could have done this immediately without the dramatic chase and taxpayer expense.
Florida got it right.
Home invasions virtually vanished when it was announced that homeowners would not face punitive action for meting out instant justice.