At least the show was funny whenever Granny tried to drive. . . New Orleans however . .ain't laughing. . .at all. Families of the victims should be suing the heck out of the city.
Yours is absolutely the inspiration for mine!!! I made this one a long time about Patrisse Khan Cullors, but I thought I better not use that background as Granny is holding a shotgun and I don't think Anne Kirkpatrick knows what a shotgun is. Anyway thanks a lot for the genesis!
Was watching a report on the "Chief", not only did she NO KNOW they had those, (the most effective portable vehicle blockades made) but they are out there now? INSTALLED WRONG. Guess they have retractable wheels, and they are down. Ugh.
I always heard that it's better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak up and remove all doubt, but I guess she's the exception...and Biden...and Harris...and Mayorkis...