Shark was an example. Reproduction is also an instinct, so your argument falls flat, just that animals can call out rape, now can they? It is also immoral for someone to dress scantily and seduce someone else. Yes, the example I provided does not account for ALL rape cases, but a large majority. Again many situations can be avoided. You just have to be smart and discerning. For example, is it smart for a young lady to go to a bar by herself, wearing scantily clothes and getting shitface drunk and teasing the guys in the bar? Stupid decision result in stupid results, and that is the majority cuz parents are not teaching their kids better. I think we also have a big problem with pornography easily accessible and free. Also we have lots of people who need to be getting cared for mental disorders who are now celebrated instead of giving them the care they need to overcome that disorder. You are going in circles in your head, fueled by emotions rather than reason and ignoring my point.