In the US, carrying a pregnancy to term is, as that data shows, almost a hundred times more dangerous than an abortion, more than that if you only consider early-term medication abortions. However, my stance is that women should be able to make either of those choices with their pregnancies.
Secondly, you can hold the "baby murder" nonsense. When the fanatics you call "opponents of baby murder" get up in women's and care providers faces when the women are making intensely personal healthcare choices, or, as in some states, insist that doctors have to LIE to women about made up correlations between abortion and breast cancer (I'm looking at you, Alaska, Kansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas!), it's no surprise that the women and those who care about them are upset.
As for your anecdotal evidence about women's feelings after an abortion, millions of women have abortions every year. Some of them bitterly regret their choice afterwards; others are relieved and happy to have had the choice. The majority of women in the US who have an abortion have already had a child and understand what is at stake in a very concrete way. Let adults make their own choices, or admit that you're lining up on the side of autocracy and theocracy and against freedom and American values.
Also, fun fact: trolling someone by repeatedly asking slanted questions is called "sealioning".