How exactly would that enable you to live? Trump's not going to come for your head. We had 4 years of him. We survived.
Opening all borders is not a loving decision. Several Americans have died because of undocumented illegal immigrants, and bc the Dems don't want there to be a public case against it, they cover those deaths up, shafting those victims and basically spitting in the faces of their families after they tragically lost people. I've seen r@pe cases completely disappear off the web once it's uncovered the perpetrator was an illegal. Ive seen illegals get government funding (enough to buy cars) and then they are able to drive without training or a license, and that has resulted in the deaths of many children. Then there are countries that send all their criminals to America bc we accept them freely. And there are Mexican drug cartels businesses that blackmail people by threatening to kill their families if they don't comply, and they send those ppl to America to run illegal businesses here - and so we have ppl in our country that fear outside terror companies more than our own law system - meaning they can commit acts of terror here out of fear. The "open all borders" argument ignores all these points.
But here's another point. Our country is the only country stopping the world from being a one-world tyrannical government. If we fall, no one will be able to live safely. The left would like you to believe that communism is a paradise and America is a terrible country that must be overthrown, but communism is a hellhole and everyone finds it out too late once they've built walls to keep everyone inside instead of outside. America is not perfect, but it cannot fall, or a free world dies.