These two oligarchs want to be in charge of "making the government more efficient"; The one on the right bought,
implemented his policies with
a profitable social media
platform -which is sub-
sequently being driven
into the grave.... The one on the left made
campaign promises of
randomly firing government
workers based on alphabetical
order with no consideration
as to the natures of their jobs,
criticality of services performed... The one on the right has
had regular contact with
Vladimir Putin over the last
two years, advocated for
giving Putin what he
wants in Ukraine. The one on the left is a
Putin apologist who has
promised to force de-
centralized, tele-working
federal employees back
into the office (where they
can conveniently be wiped
out en masse, btw); And *surprise!* both of
them are angling for jobs
with the Putin fanboy who
tried to set up an un-
monitored back channel
with the Kremlin.