Democrats read this:
See who your Party really are. They don't care about the poor, the needy, the disenfranchised. They are the cause of them being poor, needy and disenfranchised. Stop believing the lies. Just because Stephen Colbert or Jimmy Kimmel makes fun of half of America does not make this good people. Just because Obama said we "cling to our God and our guns" (which he meant as an insult), Hillary said we are "deplorables", Biden called us "garbage" and said black people "ain't black if they don't vote for him", does not make them good people.
And just because Harris waited until a week before the election to announce that someone else said, someone said, who had a friend who said, "Trump wanted generals like Hitler", does not mean she was a good person.
Did you listen to her? Did she espouse any policy that you thought would be good for America. Here, let me help you there because she did say she was going to stop "price gouging". And you probably bought into that.
The Federal Government and especially the office of the President, should not, must not and does not have the power to enact price controls. I know that FDR did stuff like that but look where that got him. When the government controls the means of production then that is bad, real bad.