Lie? Liar Liar pants on fire.
Is that all you've got as your parting shot to Graeystone, Sir Guber?
Just recall what book VP Al Gore Gave the House & Senate as a gift, that his roommate at Yale Co-Wrote... 'Generations'
That both Al Gore and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich praised, and that Stephen Bannon produced a Feature Length Documentary on, interviewing the other co-author.
2010 Generation Zero.
The Fourth Turning is upon us currently in 2024. You're living it.
BabyBoomers like John Kerry, have always been so full of themselves,
and are taking their parting shot at the
rest of humanity remaining,
prior to departing for the great Age of Aquarius.
Their Utopian Drug Fueled Hippie Dream collective for All.
& please refrain from replying to "this comment" until
after you've read the book and it's sequel,
or you'll earn an immediate downvote.