Reiko: Cool! *she smiled before blinking* I don't remember who that is, Ishi-Kun? who's that?
Ishida: they were in the first game, they replaced Muruko when Junko killed her
Reiko: OHHHHH! I remember now! *Reiko turned back to Judi* cool! ok, I'll introduce you to everyone I know! That's Ishida, he's Byakuya's second son, that's Natsumi, she's Fuyuhiko and Pekopeko's kid, that's Kiko, she's Nagito's kid, that's Tadeo, He'd a member of D.I.C.E. *a boy with pale greenish hair and a checkered scarf waved*, that's Ayumi and Em-tu, but I think you already know them, uhhhh, oh! That's Mitsuba, he's Mikan's little brother, that's Konoko, the's Hiyoko's little sister in law or something, that's Hanako, she's one of Rantaro's sisters, That guy is Natsushima, he was a Monokuma kid, that's Benjiro, he's like me, super far removed (a tall boy with green hair smiled), and that's Alex, I think that's same for her *the skateboarder gave Judi a two finger salute*, aaaaaaaand I don't really remember the rest of your names- *Reiko scratched the back of her neck sheepishly* Gomenneee