I believe it was at the 2012 DNC that the Democratic party wished to remove God and Jerusalem as Israel's capital from their official platform. They received such a backlash from so many of their voting base, that they decided they needed to put them back on the platform. This required that they receive a 2/3 majority of those in attendance. After explaining this, they asked for a verbal vote: yays vs. nays. The nays were the majority. Knowing that this would probably cost them the election, they repeated the question and the call for votes 3 or 4 times. As the results of each showed those in control that they were not going to get the outcome they wanted, they announced it was clear to them that 2/3 of the people wanted God and Jerusalem back on the platform. Completely against the majority at the convention. When Kamala ends some of her speeches and ads with, "God bless America", to which god is she referring?