Emily. The shy, awkward, and ever so crucial queen on the intergalactic JCJenson-branded chessboard of my stories. Infected with the AbsoluteSolver and dating a Murder Drone with minor memory issues - she's done it all, seen it all, heard it all, tasted it all... okay, maybe not that last one. Still, she's been everywhere.
Nothing really remarkable happened for the first fifteen or so years of Emily's life. When her Solver powers manifested for the first time, she was attending high school where she befriended a Drone named Tyler. He was a jock-ish type, and he was super self-absorbed. Over time, they grew apart, and Emily decided to cut all ties when he asked her out on a date. The Solver manifested first as a series of thoughts and dreams about lifting things with her mind, summoning tools and weapons out of thin air, etc. Then, she gained a few small powers that helped her cure her boredom from time to time, like telekenesis or minor object summoning. It wasn't until she almost lost her chill at a sports game that her powers *really* became a factor.
After her near-mental snap, Emily decided to wander around the ruins to clear her head. There, she met a rogue Disassembly Drone named Z, who was fighting his former teammates, X and Y, alongside who she would later come to know as 26 (though 26 isn't that important for this part of the story). Naturally, she panicked. Seeing the opportunity, X tried to attack her, but Z stopped her. With 26 holding the two off, Z fled to his cave home, where he helped care for Emily.
A few weeks passed. The people of Emily's home colony were worried. That's when a Disassembly Drone led her back to the bunker, his hand in hers as he held her in his arms. But that's a story for another time - namely next time. See ya!