France also had 'noblesse oblige' -
is a French expression that means that nobility extends beyond mere entitlement, requiring people who hold such status to fulfill social responsibilities; the term retains the same meaning in English. For example, a primary obligation of a nobleman could include generosity towards those around him. As those who lived on the nobles' land had obligations to the nobility, the nobility had obligations to their people, including protection at the least.
Jesus Christ's words-
Luke 12:48 - "Everyone to whom much was given, of him much will be required, and from him to whom they entrusted much, they will demand the more."
Prime example is Job who was clearly doing his, well, job as a rich person. Satan though he had an easy mark and tried to break Job's faith in God one way(confessing to a sin he didn't commit) or another(outright rejecting/hating God).