I was born in Denver.,Co. Lived in Aurora until 6th grade. Moved to Coeur d'Alene, Idaho until High school graduation. Tried college at Seattle University until mononucleosis saved me and I withdrew. No where to go & subconsciously ran away in a marriage at 19 but was not in college & unemployed in Bozeman, MT. Realized I'd never find a good job without a degree so enrolled at Montana State University. After getting degree in Human Development, and minor in religious studies, I moved back to Denver and worked in humanitarian programs. Developed a killer volunteer recruitment campaign and was promoted twice until they realized I didn't like sucking up to the media and wealthy people/socialites. Man, do I have stories about those days! So went into insurance as an auto claims adjuster. Loved that job as so interesting. I learned about civil liability, cars, repairs, law, arbitration, and more. That's when I fell in love with Law. Remarried to an illegal immigrant and then kicked him out! He was dosing me with meth and cocaine without my knowledge. It caused nerve damage. Couldn't work. Now on disability. Yay! Oh, and my childhood was filled with torture at the hands of Satanists. Got pregnant twice by dad...who wasn't actually my dad..lost both babies through forced miscarriage by "mom." I didn't find out I was actually the daughter of my dad's brother & a neighbor Latino girl until I was in my 40s. Now in hiding from the Satanists side and from meth heads in my current town who ruined my home with meth chemicals. Can't live in my house now. But...I have an awesome dog and several cats. I've done a great deal of healing. I'm a writer, studying society now in order to prepare myself for the ultimate adventure. Best trip I ever took was to an orphanage in Chihuahua Mexico. I want to work with kids who have special gifts. Neurodivergence is a focus. Tada! See why the current political situation has me all ruffled? Lol