You need to look into what the MSM is not reporting... but of course you won't
"I finally spoke with my family member who holds a high-ranking position in the military.
It's not good.
I asked them what's going on with NC, and are the stories true that they're not rescuing people?
Their exact words:
"Yes, it's become political, and many of us want to take our choppers down to rescue people, but we have not been given the OK. We see civilians doing more than our own government, who, by the way, is trying to get in the way of them helping. This is not the military I signed up for. I am pissed off. I don't think I'll ever get the smell off of me. so many dead and when you see a child, you can't help but cry. I keep thinking what if that was J**** just laying there you know? Don't get me started on FEMA, what a joke. I'll try to text later, gotta run. You can share what I'm saying, but please leave out any details about my identity; I'll be court marshaled in a second."
I'm using they/their/them for a reason. "