Yeah, but I'm talking about the General public.
One of my mother's occasional (substitute) afternoon home attendents was telling me the other month about how maybe Trump is good after all because of the immigration problem. I had to remind her that as a Hispanic immigrant herself, he wants to get rid of her as well. Heck, I told her, he wants to get rid of me too because my mother is from Puerto Rico. Remember, after Hurricane Maria happened, it became evident that Trump didn't know that Puerto Rico was part of the United States.
So I told her, it's not like he's going to make an exception for her because she voted for him. He wants to get rid of us.
Talking about Hurricane Maria, a guy knew in IRL for 20 years blocked me on Facebook because he was calling Puerto Ricans unappreciative of Trump's help. This was mere days after the tossing of the paper towels incident. Mind you, the dude who blocked me is actually half Puerto Rican. And he was cheering Trump. He blocked me because I liked a comment that somebody said against his support.
And these aren't the only ones. People that Trump literally wants to kick out of here, and they're for him.