Long before Israel and Occupied USA financed and supported Hamas, Zionist Project Leaders such as David Gurion made clear--before 1948--that they planned to take all Palestine. Then in the 1980s came The Greater Israel Project for a Middle East regional empire. [9/11: Missing Links] helped kicked that into higher gear. And now here in the 2020s, as homeless Americans die in the streets and Team Chuchianity care more about Israel, including seal-clapping for Benjamin "Iraq has WMDs!" Netanyahu, the Israeli state subsidizes--with your tax dollars--schools and rabbis that teach enslaving, slaughtering, and ruling NonJews from Jerusalem. All easily verifiable for folks who are actual seekers and willing to NONgoogle some. MAGA and AmericaFirst--both of which I support--ain't happening with serving Israel anything other than an ass-whooping and zero support.