Dude, I've literally said I'm not a communist and I'm not a socialist, and nor do I endorse socialism or communism either. All I'm saying is that we NEED to find or make a better system than the current dumpster fire that is capitalism.
No other economic system produces wealth as effectively as capitalism to allow charity to the needy to such magnitude as was given to the victims of the 2004 tsunami.
Tens of millions of middle class and poor Americans ( benefactors of a capitalist economy) gave cash of their own free will. The combined amount give by those individuals is greater than what was given by many governments.
To call capitalism a dumpster fire is COMPLETE AND UTTER IGNORANCE!
Before you say anything, I am NOT a communist or a socialist at all. I'm just saying that we need to find or make a better system than CRAPitalism, communism, or socialism.
Find one and propose it.
As it stands I like the Capitalism: Use what I have (my capital) to get what I want.
The Corporation uses what they have (money) to get what they want (workers).
The workers use what they have (workforce) to get what they want (money) to get what they want (goods) for what they now have (money).
But I also like to skip the money part and directly get paid in the goods I want/need.
What do you do with the people who just want to waste their life doing drugs and have no ambition to live somewhere besides a tent in a street taking a crap behind a bush?