Let me help liberals out who don't know what this is.
This is a Glock 47. It was invented by Avtomat Glock in Walla Walla, Washington. It is one of the all 2 guns that liberals have labeled as "assault" rifles. And with good reason because if left unwatched it has been known to assault 5,000 people in less than a second.
It is capable of fire an impressive 6 million rounds per nanosecond. Attached at the bottom is a 50 million round thingy (yes, that is the technical term).
Avtomat Glock, in 1312, was quoted saying he invented the Glock 47 to only be used for criminal activity. He said it could never ever possibly be used for hunting, nor target practice at a shooting range. Just crime, that's all. Just crime.
I just want to keep liberals informed about firearms.