Also I love how you immediately start portraying me as a loser just cause I didn’t agree with you over one thing. Says a lot about your egotistical and hivemind like ideology and personality.
I never did that. I called you out for siding with strum after he insulted me and deleted my memes. "Egotidtical snd hivemind mentality" lmao I have neither. And you clearly dont know how hivemind mentality works.
I already told you. Strum deleted my memes and insulted me due to me deeting his meme where he made the vote for a new rule without my permission. You just sided with him because the role did not got added since there was already a rule for that.
They are considering you mod one of those streams and comment frequently in the other two. And anybody with half a brain can just check your past memes and comments to figure out how you act. Pussy.
Dude,he insulted you cause you acted like a prick before any of that happened. And the only one who is lying is you. And the person your lying to is yourself. Move on and get a life instead of causing arguments for no reason.
Nah he insulted me for calling him out for making a vote without my permision. And that still doesnt excuse him deleting my memes. Everything you said is a lie lol.