Just for clarity, did you get that from Reddit or Quora... or maybe some other location where it's also amatuer "historians" talking about history?
And since you brought it up, decided to try to frame this as an exercise in "anti-semitic lies," I'll play your game. Let's talk about the "lies" angle: did you maybe notice how the end result of both map groups is the same? Or maybe how, despite the fact that Palestine's been a separate entity officially recognized since the '50s, likewise internationally recognized as illegally occupied by Israel since '67, the 1967-1995 map shows no presence of the West Bank or Gaza?
Did you stop to consider that a war of aggression the likes of which would be necessary to seize the land area comprising the Gaza Strip & West Bank, thus rendering the "now" map valid, would have been front page news for months and yet there's a conspicuous lack of mention of anything along those lines in the news from '96?
And before you go off on a canardly, rambling "that's what 'they' want you to think"-based conspiracy theory tangent, have you stopped to consider the West's demonstratedly blind support for Israel, the public opinion cudgel available to swing relative to Israel's continuous efforts to paint itself as the victim such headlines would afford? Oh, also, there's that pesky little detail of the Oslo Accords inconveniently being ratified in '93.
Ah, but that's not what this is really about, is it? No... this is about the butthurts you're riding from having your attempted "only bad when Jews want one" bullshit narrative slapped down like the weak-sauce straw man it is, innit?