Yes, because environmental enthusiasts want to claim 100% of global warming is from human burning of fossil fuels. So in my opinion even one sixth not being due to fossil fuels needs to be pointed out.
"Yup, it's ONLY 5/6, so therefore anthropogenic Global Warming is a farce"
5/6? Global Warming would have to be called Global Boiling, because at that rate, in the space of two decades the surface of Earth would be seared off!
LOL - Well the world is going to end in 7 years according to AOC so what the hell.
But I really did wonder why you said "try 1/16". Did you read that somewhere?
Yeah I've seen stuff like that before, blocking the sun. My question would be how will it effect growing food. And what effect will it have on animals and people? Besides depriving them of natural vitamin D.
The similarities are there. I just think that it's weird that the series was focused around the earth freezing, but with the same concept. Or maybe the present government doesn't want you to know they get their climate change solution ideas from entertainment, so they have a pretty good idea of what will happen in the end, or what they want to happen.
Yeah... in the movie, I think the earth freezing was a result of someone trying to solve global warming. IDK for sure, but being an engineer, I thought the perpetual motion train was stupid far fetched fantasy.
Yeah it basically made the point that the government uses us as guinea pigs with us paying for it. It's all from someone's imagination, and everybody sees it differently. Not defending it of course.