That's not at all what I said now is it? I've had a few violent altercations, but not over the n word. On the other hand I have seen have personally witnessed violent altercations over people being disrespectful with their words. Oh it all started innocently enough, a white guy and a black guy trying to get a ladies car running. Someone said something out of pocket, slurs on both sides started getting thrown around, and next thing you know, they are swinging on each other. Myself, the altercations I was in where mostly people disrespecting me rather than me having done anything to them. Im a dont start it finish type person. Although, I have let my mouth get away from me a couple times to be fair. Point is, dont pretend like its about me personally when we see shit going down all around us, when you can at any time go on social media and see black people sugar coating racist rhetoric, when you can see tons of people of all walks of life talking reckless. The point Im trying to make and that you are deliberately missing because instead of bringing up any counterpoint you want to try and paint me as a liar and an asshole, is that if you want equality, then you cant expect to both never suffer racism and be a racist yourself, you cant expect to call people whatever you want and not get called names yourself. That we allowed such a clear-cut double standard to exist, and one that grows increasingly divisive and violent, was a massive mistake. A mistake that is getting people hurt, maimed, killed, and is standing in the way of unity, because instead of blaming the people who made all this nonsense up to keep us fighting, we continue to blame each other, fight each other, continue to remain distracted and paint each other in the worst possible light rather than over look one another's flaws and go after the real enemies, which are the pedophile elites, who rape, murder, and plunder on a scale that makes Hitler look tame by comparison when you start looking into the histories of banking, corporations, and the aristocracy.