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SezmoTheWorstForsyth (63540)
Joined 2020-12-09
My YouTube channels: Sezmo is the Worst at: poetry, gaming, memes and IRL. Take a peek leave some hate.
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Elon Musk smoking a joint in politics
His name is not defendant and he did what no one else has the balls to do. in politics
0 ups, 2mo
The corporations own annual reports, the stories, with recipes people are telling, government investigations into the matter, and at the very beginning the death panel panic they had to quell that ended up being correct.
it is always a people problem in MEMES_OVERLOAD
0 ups, 2mo
I agree with Thomas sowell on some things and Ive argued against minimum wage myself, however, Thomas sowell is a corporatist and they've worked for a long time to undermine worker rights and pay. I've also changed my position on the subject.
tired of the "only government need respect rights" bs. in politics
0 ups, 2mo
Sigh. That's not what the meme says you dope
Skeletor disturbing facts in MEMES_OVERLOAD
1 up, 2mo
No. Not at all. Abortion to simply put you don't speak for God or know God's mind and since all comes from God abortion to is on the table.