I’m in my 20s and most of the people here are teens. The youngest user here that I know of is 11. It felt gross making/posting a meme like this, knowing that the audience who is going to see it is mostly teens, and it feels worse that people could take it the wrong way and assume things about me or if someone would actually role-play along with the meme. I’m not interested in you guys like that. I’m interested in people 21 or older. I just made a meme because I had a creative idea for one, but because of the type of meme it is, I felt wrong and gross even though I’m not doing anything wrong.
Sometimes it sucks being being an adult on a site that's mostly populated by teens. I don’t have an issue with teens, of course. A lot of you guys here are great. I just don’t want to make people feel uncomfortable and I don’t want to get accused of something I’m not. Even as a shitpost, this meme is definitely in a grey area, toeing the line of what is ok for me to post and what isn’t, and I won’t be making a joke like that again in the future.