Yeah, Liberals just don't want to have to get the government to approve which are ok, cuz I had a miscarriage and had to get a D&C because I didn't pass the fetal tissue. That's considered an abortion. If you wait too long, it rots in your uterus and you go into sepsis which is fatal, so I think there's better ways to eliminate elective abortions.
Like the new male birth control. It's 100% effective. If we make it super available to all sexually active men, it'll virtually do the same as banning abortion, but better. Cuz no matter how you legislate it, you can induce abortions with vitamin C and Ibuprofen.
And do you really want to government to ban pregnant woman from buying vitamin C? Cuz that's crazy.
In my state, the D&C is banned but the abortion pill is not. Which is so stupid. It should be the other way around, cuz the abortion pill doesn't have any use outside elective abortions.
And that's why liberals are scared of it.