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Sudden Clarity Clarence Meme | IT TAKES AS MUCH FAITH TO BE AN ATHEIST AS IT DOES TO BE RELIGIOUS | image tagged in memes,sudden clarity clarence,AdviceAnimals | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
31,066 views 53 upvotes Made by a Redditor 11 years ago in fun
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0 ups, 11y
True dat.
5 ups, 11y
I Guarantee It Meme | HE'S RIGHT I GUARANTEE IT | image tagged in memes,i guarantee it | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
4 ups, 11y
yeah. it also takes as much faith to believe in big foot as it does to not believe.
4 ups, 11y
Yeah, right. Just like it takes noise to be silent. Perfect logic. Atheists don't rely on faith, they actually care if their beliefs are true or not, so they rely on evidence.
3 ups, 11y
Creepy Condescending Wonka Meme | PLEASE TELL ME ABOUT THE EVIDENCE YOU DON'T HAVE | image tagged in memes,creepy condescending wonka | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
1 up, 11y
Third World Skeptical Kid Meme | SO YOU'RE TELLING ME ATHEISTS DON'T GIVE ENOUGH EVIDENCE? | image tagged in memes,third world skeptical kid | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
2 ups, 11y
Round 768 coming up! In the blue corner...
2 ups, 11y,
1 reply
When I see a big bang or evolution take place, THEN I'll call it science. Until then, I'll call it faith.
1 up, 10y
weres my friends if that happened
2 ups, 11y
I don't get people like you you don't have to interpret your religion so literally I believe in the Big Bang and evolution but I still believe in my faith
0 ups, 11y
@Gates: Please explain.
Your comment didn't quite make sense to me.
2 ups, 11y
I may be Jewish by blood, but after the crap my parents taught me about torah and what ive seen come from religion in general, all I can say is.... m/ ATHEISM m/
3 ups, 11y
I love how my meme was disliked because no one could and has yet to provide evidence
2 ups, 11y
3 ups, 11y
I thought atheism was the lack of faith.
3 ups, 11y
2 ups, 11y
Hate to be one of those people but this one was killin me idiots*
2 ups, 11y
Kinda funny word to mess up
6 ups, 11y
2 ups, 11y
All I can say is wow...
7 ups, 11y
2 ups, 11y
This is a fundamental misunderstanding of atheism. Every single "belief" that atheism is based on is testable and falsifiable. Yes, it might look dogmatic to you, but the same science that gave you your car, clean water and fast internet connection has been rolling along by testing itself constantly, providing real benefit for humans while consistently showing a lack of evidence for some kind of meddling creator figure. Religion, in all practical sense, requires that one's beliefs are held contrary to new evidence. Therefore, it takes a lot more belief without evidence (faith) to pray to an invisible sky-man, than it does to rebuke religion.
4 ups, 11y
actually rather, life on earth points to the creator. Does it not require a lot of faith to believe by chance that there was an explosion from nothing, that explosion created the Universe in an organized matter, created planets in our solar system like Saturn that protect our earth from dangers from the outside Universe, the planet earth was made in the just right size, and made in the just right distance from the sun, leading to non living matter somehow miraculously turning into living matter, developing from tiny molecules to fully brain developed beings. I'd say that requires a lot of faith.
0 ups, 11y
I'll say this: neither Creationists (of any religion) nor atheists and evolutionists can prove who is right.
However, I believe God created the universe, because matter cannot create itself (according to the laws of the conservation of matter and energy), and if humans evolved, we would be bigger, stronger, and have more appendages.
0 ups, 11y
OK, actually, I have a little bit more to say:
If God created everything out of nothing, that's a miracle.
If chance created everything out of nothing, that's a miracle.
I believe it's more likely for God to perform a miracle than for chance and nothing to perform one.
But ultimately, believers in God and atheists alike ultimately need to make the assumption that they are correct.
2 ups, 11y
Very well said XenusianSoldier!
2 ups, 11y
First off, why is it that atheists are the ones who need to provide evidence that god doesn't exist? Aside from the fact that you can't prove a negative - religious people are the ones making the claim. The one making the claim is the one who is required to present some evidence to support that claim. Approximately 4200 religions claim "There is a god", some of them even say multiple gods, and it's a different god for every religion. To which atheists say "I'm not taking your word for that. Prove it, then I'll believe you." Next. Seeing the big bang or evolution? Go back to school where they teach at least one of those two things - evolution and you'll know that it's a slow process that takes many many many years. Think of it as solving a crime. And evidence is little clues scattered around. So far all the clues science was able to find point to the big bang and evolution. And when you have multiple clues pointing to the same thing, you have a suspect. And that evidence is testable and verifiable unlike the holy books. If science discovers new facts, the theory of evolution and the theory of big bang will change. That's another difference between science and religion - science changes its position when it finds new data. Also, the big bang theory is not about the origin of the universe, it's about the development of the universe. And finally - you are saying that the universe and us humans are so well designed, therefore someone must've created us. Then who or what created god? By that same logic, if something that is complex requires a creator just because it's so complex, then who created that vastly more complex creator? But no, he is eternal. Forget that "complex things must have a creator" thing I just said, it only applies when it's convenient.
2 ups, 11y
The concept of "nothing" is meaningless. There doesn't have to be a "nothing" from which the universe was "created". The universe simply IS, and trying to conjure some nothingness from which it must have sprung from is a pointless exercise in mental masturbation. Our world exists, and we have not a shred of data indicating an intelligent creator, much less a meddling one who leaves the prayers of dying children unanswered, while blessing whoever made the last touchdown in the NFL.
4 ups, 11y
2 ups, 11y
Haha woops 4got to put them in the bubbles u get the point

0 ups, 11y
@kilna: Matter is eternal? The universe just is. That makes no sense. If the universe never started, it would have to be eternal, and if it was eternal, it would've run out of energy a loooooooong time ago. The universe must have come into existence by some means.
4 ups, 11y
Actually there is proof the bible is factual, it stated before humans ever knew that the world is round and that "the world hangs on nothing". It also foretold the fall of a great city (Babylon) hundreds of years before-hand. It said the name of the conqueror, how it would be conquered, and that it would never be inhabited for "time indefinite". Since then, it has been a desolate wasteland, despite the Iranian Government's failed attempts to rebuild the city. They tried but somehow everything went wrong. Coincidence? I think not. Some greedy country would have made it a tourist attraction by now. Also the Big bang theory is a viable theory, but only makes sense with a creator, while evolution fails to provide evidence.
4 ups, 11y
And also the bible explains why there is suffering, and why their is injustice. The bible itself says this world is ruled by "the wicked one" (Satan) and it is in his control. It does provide hope though, at Armageddon god will cast away the devil, and restore the earth to a holy paradise as it was designed, and "pain will be no more"
0 ups, 11y
Job 38:16 [God asks] "Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea? or hast thou walked in the search of the depth?" Springs have indeed been found in the sea. I doubt they had submarines back then.
2 ups, 11y
Damenez I'm a catholic as we'll but evolution has not failed to show evidence there is tons. And many things in the bible such as gods creation story in 7 days were not meant to be taken literally. Example notice most time periods in the bible happen in 40 it's because they didn't have the whole story so they had to fill it somehow. Many stories in the bible we're just created to show a point such as Adam and Eve. Catholics even admit to the fact that Adam and Eve never occurred it is just meant to show a point
1 up, 11y
And I'm sorry but your Armageddon, prolly misspelled that, theory is also incorrect. The earth will not be restored to peace because armaggeddon is the end of earth, where peace comes in is because Armageddon tends to coincide with judgement day which is where every will be judged and either go to heaven or hell which for most is where the peace plays it's part
2 ups, 11y
I'm sorry gates but that is false, In the very beginning of the bible it says that god created Adam and Eve from dust. It did not say he created them as lesser beings to develop into humans. Also, we know that it wasn't exactly seven days because in the bible it likens a day of god's to be "as of a thousand years". Thus saying a day in God's eyes is not the same to us. The bible also says that "All scripture is inspired of god, beneficial for teaching, reproving , and setting things straight." So therefore the story of Adam and Eve is not some fairy tale, for it sets the theme for the bible. If Adam and Eve had not sinned, how would humans grow sick and die? Also the bible does not teach we go to heaven. If you read it says: They will all be raised from their memorial tombs." Also if you read Revelations you will see that it clearly says only those anointed by god will go to heaven. Please , don't take my word for it, study the bible, search on the internet and find for yourself. And also if you can could you provide me some evidence for evolution? Thanks.
2 ups, 11y
Also I'm not a catholic, I'm studying with one of Jehovah's witnesses, but I'm not yet baptized.
3 ups, 11y
Okay this is the last I'm going to comment on this because I think these religious internet debates are stupid. First of all jehovist witness explained everything. Idc what it says it created them from it is an accepted fact that the story of Adam and Eve never took place. And you are correct a day in gods eyes is like thousand years however the bible was not written by god it was written by Matthew mark like and john to whom seven days days. Also ur theory about people how people would grow sick and die first of all that is incorrect because Adam and Eve gave us original sin which Jesus died to save us from so ur wrong in the eyes of the Bible as well as illness and death occur because of bacteria disease etc. I understand believing in teachings but making statements like that are the types of things that get johovist witnesses a bad rep by others... Illness and death are completely explainable.and yes they will be raised from their tombs where to do you think ????? Maybe heaven because if they raise to earth all he'll will break loose because of extreme overpopulation. And yes it says that only those anointed by god will raise bit 1 how are we to know who god accepts baptism is the mere human understanding but the bible itself says we can never fully understand god. And also another you people ask for evidence of evolution and ignore the mounds of it that people give you and when people ask you for evidence all you can give is a quote from someone who wasn't even alive until at earliest 30 years after Jesus death. You tell me to research what you've said on the internet you should do so as we'll for evolution. And plz I except the things that we simply must without proof such as god and Jesus as our savior but when something such as evolution comes along and hands us mounds of indisputable facts I don't deny it because when if everyone just denied science society would go no where.
1 up, 11y
"All scripture is inspired of god" that is all I have to say to that comment, think about it.
1 up, 11y
Also the reason I talk about ti is because I know a lot about evolution, and wish for some proof because I have found none, and Charles Darwin himself said there were too many flaws in his theory (including lack of evidence).
2 ups, 11y
You're quoting a book written by people who barely had the bow and arrow, to denounce science which has provided more security, comfort, knowledge, opportunity and entertainment than you can even fathom. You're using a global network of computers (invented by scientists) to do the equivalent of flinging feces. Pray to your invisible sky pal, I hope he brings you everything you deserve. :)
6 ups, 11y
1 up, 11y
@kilna: I never said science was not a great thing, I love science. But unlike you, I refuse to believe something is fact without evidence. I have evidence, you don't and when you do please come back to me. Until then, please stop insulting people because you have no other words
5 ups, 11y
2 ups, 11y
You're saying the entire fields of biology and cosmology, which are solely based on observation and testing, have no "evidence". Go back to your cave.
3 ups, 11y
Lol, WTF! take more faith to base your life on a book of miracles and magic!!! Might as well come up with HarryPotterism you'd fall for it.
1 up, 11y
@Kilna: Please give me evidence! Just saying there are facts and not giving any examples is just beyond me! Just give me one shred of credible evidence please, that's all I ask for.

@Carcharadon6: You may have heard this, but the bible states pretty clearly this is not the case. At Ecclesiastes 9:5,10 it says: "The living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing at all... Whatever your hand finds to do, do with all your might, for there is no work nor no planning nor no knowledge nor wisdom in the Grave, where you are going." So as you can see when we die we don't go to "Hell" for it does not exist. Many people when they translate the bible change the Greek word "Hades" and the Hebrew word "Gehenna" with "Hell". But don't worry! At Psalms 37:29 it says "The righteous will posses the earth, and they will live forever upon it.", and at Acts 24:15 it says "there is going to be a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous", and at John 5:28, 29 it says: "Do not be amazed at this, for the hour is coming in which all those in the memorial tombs will hear his voice and come out." So as you can see, we will not go to heaven or hell, but be raised to face judgement, and if we are deemed worthy, go on to live eternally on the earth. James 4:8 "Draw close to god and he will draw close to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you indecisive ones." Remember we are all sinners, and we can all draw close to god
2 ups, 11y
Well, if anybody could prove beyond doubt whether whether there is zero, one or more Gods, then it would no longer be "Faith". It would be "Knowledge", and that would take all the fun out of all the Atheist vs. Religious debates, not to mention all the Religious vs. Religious debates on how to believe in The Right Way.
2 ups, 11y
You ask me for evidence (which I have provided, the entire fields of biology and cosmology, it's YOUR responsibility to educate yourself not mine). You rebuke me quoting scripture from the bronze age. Get bent. You exemplify the reason the human race may not survive.
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