Part of the beauty of not belonging to any party, ideology, or cult is it I don't have to toe the party line. And that includes the least desirable of them all, the pro-Putin/USSR Trumper MarxistAmericaGrowlsAgain. They can all pack up and go to Russia for all I care. And stay.
That also means I don't have to indulge in pretzillated opinions or brain damage arguments. I just state facts as facts. It's easier, and it cuts out the middle man and all of the excess detritus that comes with having to play the ping pong. I can't even catch up with my notifications, so why add to them with unnecessary bunk?
Granted, there may be some particularly dangerous streets in parts of Chicago or Detroit, but where would you rather be, stuck in one of those, or pulled over by a sheriff in rural Texas for a minor traffic violation at 3:00 am? When there's a huge swath of America where law enforcement is scarier than basic criminals, well that paints a picture a little short on the rosy.