A sarcastic comment & the logical conclusion of what will happen with a virus that spreads. Maybe instead of relying on liberal/leftist bullet points, you should look deeper into it.
Trump didn't mishandle the pandemic. Remember how Trump wanted to stop inbound flights from China into the US? Liberals painted him xenophobic for that. Remember how Trump said it started in a lab in China? He was right about that - called xenophobic. Remember then what happened? STATES handled their pandemic how they saw fit - and oddly enough, tons of them chose to crash the economy when handling it, following the advice of Dr Fauci - not the advice of Trump. To which Trump decided to help everyone out with Stimulus checks. He put money in the hands of US Citizens to help them survive their State Led pandemic handling. Comparatively... Biden sends money to the Ukraine.
Ivermectin was painted as horse paste when it could have helped - cheaper and quicker than inoculation rollouts, which were being marketed to the public by the guy who helped make the virus deadlier.
Trump mishandled nothing. Fauci, the CDC, and States mishandled the entire thing by manufacturing the entire problem to sell their snake oil solution. It was viral sabotage.