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I'm restarting this one, mainly because I feel the original one did not gain much traction.

I'm restarting this one, mainly because I feel the original one did not gain much traction. | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
468 views 5 upvotes Made by Red_Memes42 4 months ago in Role_Play
2 ups, 4mo,
8 replies
(Well hello again friend I'm a skeleton returning from the dead determined to be relevant again so I'm following trends from the Nether to the End-)

*He grabbed his head once he processed what had just happened.*

"My hat!"
0 ups, 4mo,
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(And then he calls for Mom, while he's sucking his thumb!)

"Blind Beggars never hurt anybody!" He says, whipping out his blind beggar disguise.
1 up, 4mo,
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(You see, he doesn't wanna play)

*Timeskip to about two hours later...*

*When Robin arrives, he sees... the other Robin standing near a small gated entrance, leading to the courtyard.*
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(Too late to be known as John the First, he's sure to be known as John the Worst)

He's wearing the blind beggar costume, and nails it too, his impression exactly like a blind beggar.

"Alms, alms for the poor. Alms for the poor..." *He says while tapping his stick and holding his cup, really nailing it.*
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(A pox on that phony king of England!)

*He smiled.*

"Pretty good. But there is a problem - I won't be able to get you through. The Sheriff is restless tonight - of all nights! Though, judging by how well that act you've got running is, I'd say we could switch roles. You distract the Sheriff, and I'll get Marian down here. Try to keep him busy for at least two minutes, then meet back here."
0 ups, 4mo,
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(While he taxes us to pieces and he robs us of our bread)

"Alright, sounds good." *He snickers, before he begins his act again.*
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(King Richard's crown keeps slipping down upon that pointed head)

*He headed inside to get Marian.*

(At this point, e can go one of two ways: either you switch to narrating Marian for the next scene, or we narrate Robin's distraction and then go to the scene with Marian. Your choice.)
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(Ah! But while there is a merry man in Robin's wily pack)

"Alms, alms for the poor..." Robin puts his disguise to full force, drawing the Sheriff's attention.

(I think long one)
0 ups, 4mo,
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(We'll find a way to make him pay and steal out money back!)

*The Sheriff took notice, trudging over to him.*

"Well well well, what do we have here?"
0 ups, 4mo
(Fair enough! See ya!)
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(go re-watch the disney film if you need to)
0 ups, 4mo
(I can't, Disney+ signed me out. I suppose we can postpone this until the morning. See you then)
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(A minute before he knows we're there)

*Robin keeps his act up.*

"Do I hear the melodious voice of the Sheriff?"
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*The Sheriff smirked, and lifted his head.*

"Why, thank you kindly, good sir. Say, what's an old codger like you doin' out here at this ungodly hour?"
0 ups, 4mo
(Also I've encountered a bit of a problem. Like I said earlier, I haven't watched the Disney version in a while, so I don't really remember how the Sheriff of Nottingham acts. My solution would be to do a toned down version of the Sheriff of Rottingham from Men in Tights with more of a focus on the Disney setting than the Mel Brooks one. Plus, Nottingham has a weird speech impediment that makes him mess up pronunciations of words or Butcher the order of words entirely, and I always wanted to narrate that since I watched Men in Tights for the first time. Is that okay?)
0 ups, 4mo
(That would be, Rottingham has the speech impediment, not Nottingham)
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(Ol' Rob'll snatch his underwear)
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(doesn't change the canon, but why not)

"Sneak...her out?" He asks, bewildered.
"Only someone with ties to the Crown can get her out!"
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"Or someone who's friends with Robin Hood. With your help, we'd stand a fair chance. You're good at disguises, right? Well, I'm good at distractions. I can get you in alone, and out with Marian before that bloated fool of a Sheriff even wakes up!"
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*He chuckles.*

"Right, then there's that good for nothing John to deal with..."
*Little John chimes in.*
"And the sheriff's guards will likely have a rope around our necks if we get caught."
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"Well, look at it this way: If all goes well, John won't notice she's missing until we're long gone, and even if we do wake up, he's hardly gonna do anything to stop us himself, and we're too quick for his soldiers."

(Seriously though, a stormtrooper could hit more shots than one of Prince John's soldiers.)
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(you're not wrong)

"That's the problem. All might not go well." Robin pitches, a little concerned.
1 up, 4mo,
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"Alright then. I'll add one thing: I can get close to Marian without anyone getting suspicious, and I can get her out from there. But it'll require you and Little John and whoever else you have with you to stay hidden, maybe for a whole day. This plan does have fewer risks, but I think the first one would be a bit more fun."

(Also, Robin is just straight toying with John in the Disney one. We're talking borderline psychological warfare. Not that I'm complaining - it made for a good joke in the song they sang in Sherwood Forest)
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(A pox on that Phony king of England!)

Robin considers your idea, and nods his head.

"Perhaps the first one would work..."
*Little John in the treetops facepalms, as if in-directly saying "here we go again...".
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(He sits alone on a giant throne, pretending he's the king)

"If you don't want to do that one, like I said, I can get close to her and sneak her out during the daytime."

(As for how he can get so close without arousing suspicion: I'm gonna say my character is Marian's bodyguard because plot convenience because we need to get this story rolling)
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(A little tyke, whose rather like a puppet on a string)

"We'll take the first option." *Robin replies.*
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(He throws an angry tantrum if he cannot have his way)

"Alright. Meet me at the castle in... I'd say two hours. Get a disguise in case you need it. I'll explain then. I have to get back before they suspect something."

*He shook Robin's hand again and gave a two-fingered salute to Little John before running off in the direction of the castle.*
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(wait, psychological- OH HELL NAH)
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(Almost, nothing too major)
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0 ups, 4mo,
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(Also, I recently watched a Mel Brooks version of the Robin Hood tale called Robin Hood: Men in Tights. In that, Friar Tuck becomes Rabbi Tuckman and the Sheriff of Nottingham becomes the Sheriff of Rottingham, so if I mix up the names, that's why. I've legit watched Men in Tights so many times that Nottingham doesn't even sound right anymore)
0 ups, 4mo,
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1 up, 4mo,
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(Seriously, if you're not opposed to some adult humor, a little bit of racism but not enough to mar the good parts, fourth wall breaks, and Mel Brooks making an absolute mockery out of the original Robin Hood story, then I'd recommend it. If not, just don't watch it)
0 ups, 4mo
(fair enough)
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"Sorry, lad!" Robin looks a bit concerned, and quickly goes to the tree and takes the hat from it.
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*He sighed.*

"It's okay, that was an old hat anyways."

*He took the hat back.*

"So, you're the infamous Robin Hood, eh?"
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"In the flesh!" He replies. You can even hear Little John above the trees snickering.

(I'm typing this on a phone rn 💀
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(It's okay, I do most of my typing on my XBOX's digital keyboard even with my sausage fingers, phone typing is easy. Also I'm on my compuper rn, but my point still stands)

"Maid Marian keeps going on about you, Robin. I thought I'd come and see for myself. Besides the hole in my hat, I can say even she hardly does you justice."

*He offered his hand.*

"I am also called Robin, coincidentally. Pleasure to meet you."
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(wait WHAT)

"Ah, nice to meet you too, lad!"

*He takes the handshake, glad to meet you.*

"I thought Marian forgot all about me! Seems she still hasn't..." He adds.
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(I know)

"On the contrary, my friend! You're all she can think about!"

(Help me out here: I haven't watched the Disney Robin Hood in a while. Wasn't there a tree in the castle courtyard with Robin and Marian's initials carved into its bark?)
0 ups, 4mo,
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Robin Hood begins to think for a bit.

"Little John keeps pressuring me to just marry her,'s just not meant to be..." He says, a bit sad. Little does he know, that's exactly what's gonna happen next week...
0 ups, 4mo,
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"I wouldn't be so sure, Robin. That tree out in the courtyard still has your initials carved in it. And with the way Marian's been talking about you recently, I'd say there's a good chance that pretty soon, King Richard's gonna have an outlaw for an in-law."

(You KNOW I had to make that joke, it's one of my favorites anyways)
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His eyes light up a bit, a little confused.

"You're sure? Even if I could get close to her, she'd be flanked left right and center by the Sheriff's men." He points out.
1 up, 4mo
(I suggest we take this and make it a sort of AU that diverges from the Disney movie's events in that my character is incorporated by switching around events and adding things that weren't there before. For example: What my character does here by offering to help sneak Marian out to Sherwood Forest)

"Hmm, you're right... I figure I could probably sneak her out here to Sherwood for you, if you want."
0 ups, 3mo,
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*Sir Hiss is quickly trampled, and then buried under rubble.*

(he's insignificant right now, but he won't get hurt because why would he)
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(Fair enough)

*He followed closely behind Robin and Marian.*
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*They ran until they reached Sherwood Forest, so safe to say...a while.*
*Robin collapses onto the floor, exhausted.*
"I might've burned a pound!" *He jokes, trying to lighten the mood, earning a good-natured, but stern glare from Marian.*
0 ups, 3mo
*The other Robin sighed.*

"We may have more problems to deal with."
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(cut back to Robin Hood's POV)

The explosion knocked him and the Sheriff off of their feet, and tore up Robin Hood's blind beggar costume, exposing him.
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*The Sheriff immediately noticed.*

"Hey, you're not a blind man! You're Robin Hood!"

*He stumbled to his feet and began walking over to Robin.*
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*Robin quickly delivers an uppercut, before cartoonishly throwing him into a wall, knocking him out.*
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*He slumped to the ground, unconscious.*

*The other Robin ran around the corner, sword drawn, and Marian following close behind.*
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"C'mon!" He whispers, as the second tower explodes.(Marian's is the 4th)
0 ups, 3mo
(My attempt to direct you back here as quickly as possible, because I was having fun with this one)
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*He nodded and delivered Marian to Robin.*
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*Marian and Robin embrace, their hug a solemn one.*
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*Robin (the other one) watched as the towers crumbled around them.*

"Not to interrupt or anything, but I would prefer not to be crushed, if at all possible."
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*Robin looks up as the towers crumble.*
"Right, onwards now!" *He shouts, pulling Marian to follow, which she willingly agrees. For some reason, Marian's tower doesn't crumble. Sir Hiss is launched out a window, and falls right in front of Robin Hood.*
Robin Hood: "Oh, for the love of-
0 ups, 3mo
"Move it, snake!"

*He kicked Sir Hiss out of the way as they ran.*
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(The breezy and uneasy king of England!)
He smirks a bit.

"I think I got lost while trying to find the Friar. Do you *cough* know where he is?"
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(The snivelling, grovelling)

"The Friar? And what would you be needin' the Friar for, eh?"
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(Measly Weasly)

"I' to join the Church, yes..." He explains.
(am I nailing it? prob not)
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(Blabbering, jabbering)

*He had a skeptical expression on his face.*

"I dunno... at this hour?"

(You're doing good)
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(Gibberin' jabberin')

"Yes, I'm looking for him..."

(hell yes)
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(Blunderin', plunderin')

"Well, you're gonna have to come back later. I'm afraid I can't let you into the castle. Sorry."
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(it's Plunderin' Plottin' i believe)
(Wheelin' dealin')

His smirk fades a bit.
"How come?" He asks.
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(Prince John, that phoney king of England!)
(I was reading the lyric page, it's blunderin' plunderin')

"Well, you're a beggar - obviously not royalty. And if you have reason to suspect the Friar is here, then obviously he's done something illegal, which means you *definitely* can't enter."
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(I read it from the Disney Wiki, it said otherwise)

"If something illegal was going on there, you'd *obviously* be onto it! The sheriff be too smart, too cunning, too handsome and regal to not sense something illegal...says I."
1 up, 4mo
(I trust that then, sorry)

*He smirked.*

"Well, for bein' blind, you sure know a good man when you see him...says I! And you are, indeed, right. Something illegal is going on. So, just get goin', old man, and maybe you'll see the Friar tomorrow."

(Just wanted to check: After this scene is done, you're gonna switch perspectives to Marian and I'll go back to narrating my character, right?)
0 ups, 4mo,
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(hell yeah)

He nods, his glasses almost slip off, but he re-adjusts them just right, and then begins walking off.

"Alms, alms for the-"

*Suddenly, a loud BOOM! is heard, as the castle's tower blows the f**k up.*

(now we switch to Marian...around 3 minutes before)
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(This is gonna be fun!)

*Robin (my Robin, that is) made his way through the halls to Marian's room. He knocked on the door.*
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Marian quickly answers.

"Oh...well hello! Who may you be?"
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"'Tis me, milady. May I come in please? I wish to speak with you."
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"Come on in!" She willingly lets you in.
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*He closed the door behind him and bowed upon entering.*

"Lovely to see you again, milady. I come bearing news: Your favorite person has not forgotten about you."

*He winked.*
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"He hasn't?" Marian gasps, a smile on her face.
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"I guarantee it. He's out front distracting ol' Bushel Britches right now, in fact, so I can help sneak you out."
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*At that moment, the same explosion happens, decimating the tower next to their tower.*
"What was that?" Marian asks, confused, and arguably so.
1 up, 4mo
*He looked out the window.*
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