For peeps who think the USA can become great again with 100million people who have no connection to the historical, racial, and ethnic realities that informed America's creation and continuance all the way from long before 1776 and through 1964, do you also think that a 50% Japanese Japan or a 98% Japanese Japan would have a better chance to recapture, preserve, and further greatness there?
Any Whites in the US who shill for Trump wanna explain why they support a guy who publicly insults their people's history while he simultaneously hypes and panders to Blacks, lies and says they built the US? You can find a clip on ScrewedTube but you'll have to search -Trump Says African Americans Built This Nation- because apparently God Emperor 3DChess DeepState Destroyer Zion Clot Shot Don doesn't know the difference between -country- and -nation-. Just like he and Black folks can't ask themselves how the people in a 90% White US survived by just sitting around and watching Blacks build everything.