Because too many are unable to discern the truth any more. Too many are too lazy to research the truth for themselves. They instead, only 'feel' that their understanding of the world and the last two minutes of the history of it it is all they need to conclude there is a need to double down on 'their side' likes them are well versed in the intricacies of the 'only path' available to rid them of their fears and justifies treating those that don't agree as lesser humans to be trampled on the way to wherever their leader proclaims the present form of Shangri La to be. The politicians, the vast majority of them, want money, power, and the ability to live as they want until they die: sans moral standards and accountability. It happens because, unlike those on the left, those on the right choose not to fight, to kill until a sufficient level of provocation is reached that demands an application of force to bring society back in line with normalcy. The "summer of love" with it's "mostly peaceful protests" that cost too many lives, too much destruction was a 'left' thing. Unending shootings, murder, lawlessness in our cities is also a 'left' thing. The bloody ending of slavery in this country was a 'right thing', on so many levels. Only stupidity and entrenched indoctrination could possibly lead someone to keep supporting the 'left thing'.