It keeps my posts, and keeps my information. If I do get into professional racing; my name will be up on the screen for everyone to see. So all it takes is this account getting doxed and they can use anything that I have ever posted to take me down.
Except, it's not that simple. They'd have to get into a lot of legal trouble first, and even if they DO end up doxing the account, they'll have the law on their hands.
Do you think people care about if they get into legal trouble?? People run out onto soccer fields just to get noticed; they would have no trouble with going to jail if it means destroying my career.
Well, you'd have to do a coverup. Change your username, wipe your data clean, EXCEPT for your socials, and delete certain data on this account you don't need them seeing.
ATTENTION: These next few months may very well be my last on this account. I have been accepted into a Go-Kart competition where if I place 8/24 or above I get accepted into Skip Barber Racing Academy FREE OF (most) COST! As such; since my name will be up on the screen during races I attend, I will need to remove this account and never speak of it again in case some random person finds it and brings up 1 offensive thing I said which will bring my career crashing down.