I understand your need to lashout In such belligerent hateful way. Having ones extreme hypocrisy called out can be embarrassing. Especially when you know 10s of millions of people saw it.
That actually does bring up an interesting demonstrable fact......that ignorant knuckle dragging Nazis care more about the environment than people you align yourself with. I mean you can SAY it's not because they're eco-friendly....but the litter-less aftermath YOU acknowledge and cite in the wake of their get together belies your statement.
0 ups, 10mo,
1 reply
What part of “the police wrecked the encampment and are therefore responsible for all the litter” did you not understand?
Its ludicrous to blame the litter on the police. The so called ENCAMPMENT was itself litter. The fact you n the other idle handed spoiled lil rich kid malcontents no longer had control of the litter and intimidation factor once the police show up does not change the fact that the EnCaMpMeNt was garbage and a hideous blight on campus
1 up, 10mo,
2 replies
So they just made parts of America *look* like what Israel has done to Gaza, and you're offended, but what Israel is doing to Gaza doesn't bother you?
Some people on here are the 1% who could not understand the obvious context. Then again they are also supporters of the ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST BUTCHERS AKA HAMAS and lgbtq activists....so they are ignorant. That is why I'm responding to them with simple emojis.
Wow I forgot that bombing an impoverished and invaded country was ok because it doesn’t look as easy on the eyes as your glass f***ing house! And the cops were the ones attacking innocent protesters, which is a constitutional right. (even if you don’t follow it)
*responding with simple emojis because someone named lgbtqlove that is ignorant enough to be a staunch supporter of the ISLAMIC FUNDAMENTALIST BUTCHERS OF HAMAS clearly does not have the capacity to comprehend deep conversation
Liberals love the people of Gaza so much they trashed the lawns and vandalized buildings of beautiful college campuses to make them look like a third world sh!thole like gaza