Well your ilk certainly aren't despite virtue signaling about the environment for the last 40 years. When you vote for a belligerent anti semitic blood thirsty bunch o butchers like HAM-ASS to represent you, and they do what Blood Thirsty Anti Semitic Butchers do....which is COWARDLY attack And kill civilian party goers (MANY OF WHOM WERE THE LGBTQ FOLKS YALLVE SWORN YOURSELVES TO CARE SO MUCH ABOUT), rape mothers in front their children, behead and burn babies in front their parents and kidnap old ladies...that happen to be citizens of the country with one of the most highly trained, well armed, ever vigilant and lethal militaries in the world....then the butchers run and cowardly use you (THAT VOTED FOR THEM) as a human shield....guess what? You'll probably get killed. It happens.