Typically the idea of a presidential or any other debate between political opponents was designed to inform the public of what the candidates stand for. And even though debates are now just the Democrat and the hosts attacking the Republican they still give us a slight indication of what they stand for.
They were supposed to be a public service to help voters decide who to vote for.
None of that really matters any more because there is such a huge divide in this nation people now just vote to keep the other side out of office. No one votes FOR anything anymore. They vote AGAINST someone. And the candidates we are given to put in office become increasingly worse and worse until we now when we actually have a senile old man who can't hardly speak (unless the pump him full of drugs) running our country.
What's even scarier is the man is a blithering idiot and that was before he went senile. He is corrupt as the day is long and that was his only reason for getting into politics. He's never worked a day in his life in the private sector but expects people to call him "Middle class Joe". He goes off on his own constituents and calls them names if he doesn't understand the questions they ask him. He is constantly have to be told to shut up when he starts talking about going to war with Russia.
While Trump is vastly better qualified to be president than Biden, he's not the greatest either. He is a narcissistic populist. He was a Democrat all his life. He supported Bill Clinton's ban on assault rifles. It was only when he decided to run for president that he became a Republican. When he first started campaigning he sounded exactly like a Democrat who was trying to explain conservative ideas. He campaigned for, but fortunately never gave us, government run single payer health care.
While president he talked about imposing Red Flag laws which allows the police to confiscate people's firearms based on someone else's idea that they might be unstable.
He constantly talked about imposing tariffs on China. Tariffs act exactly like tax increases and have the same negative effects on the economy as taxes do.
And of all of the complaints from the left about Trump, they never attack him on any of the facts, they fabricate everything against him. Which only serves to embolden Trump supporters.