“not being in the majority has public immage dirted on.” unless I'm misunderstanding, in this part right here you said how it's important to be in a majority unless you potentially want your public reputation to be damaged and that there's an importance in having conformity with others.
In my view, in a way, the lgbtq is punk rock. We are proudly our own thing and do our own thing. F conforming to what the world wants, we strive to live life the way we want as who we really are even if others see us not aligning as the gender that goes along with the sex we were pronounced at birth or us dating the same sex as wrong.
In that spirit, who cares if people saying zoophilia is wrong are part of the majority of the minority? It's everyone's opinion here that it is wrong because that is what we actually think/feel, not because it is popular to think it's wrong.