A peaceful protest is only peaceful up until the protesters start disrupting the freedoms of the people. At that point, the protest needs to be dismantled. Just like what happened with the Freedom Convoy. They went to Ottawa and protested for a day and that should have been the end of it. But instead, they started disrupting regular citizens lives after more than a week of this and it was right to dismantle that protest. Same thing should happen here. No one is going to take away your rights to free speech, but there is a greater right of the general public that they should not have their daily lives, jobs and education taken away from them. There is a time when a greater right can outweigh another. Sure, protest, but then go peacefully home. Don't give dissenters the time to take over the protest (again, this also happened on the Freedom Convoy protest when others joined with their own ideas and soon there wasn't anyone there that could come to a consensus as to what the protest was about). Comparing these protests (Freedom Convoy is attached to right-wing while the Palestine protest is attached to the left-wing) shows what happens when protests are allowed to go on and on, and it also shows how disorganized these kinds of protests usually are.