Yeah, MSMG Is So Toxic That Not Even The Site Mods are not bothering to do anything about, they are just letting them do whatever they want and continue to ruining this site, f**k it, not even the AMT can do anything about it. MS_Memer_Group is an example of the dead internet theory, mindless NPC's Harassing What Their Master Decides they don't like. not to be "hateful" but once MS_Memer_Group Targets You. chances are, You will Have No Choice but To Say Goodbye to your reputiation or leave before they approach and begin their harassment mission.
no matter how many you report to site mods, they won't care because they don't care about their own site they signed up for, they just want to get paid because of greed. so yeah, it's better to abandon this site and leave it to burn with MS_Memer_group. there's nothing we can really do about it. i'm sorry